
Our Objectives
The first generation of COVID-19 vaccines were highly effective at preventing serious disease, serving an essential role in mitigating the effects of the pandemic. Now that the urgency of the initial pandemic is waning, there is time to draw upon the wealth of experience and new learnings to re-evaluate immune-mediated protection; using this knowledge to improve future vaccines.
The consortium's vision is to focus on mechanistic understanding of the induction, and maintenance of the immune responses underpinning broad protective memory responses, with a focus on mucosal immunity.
The work of the consortium is broken down into five work packages. Find out more about each work package below.
MemoryTo understand the immune mechanisms required for long-lived and broad protection against SARS-CoV-2, and how to effectively induce these responses through vaccination. |
LocationTo understand the duality of systemic and local immunity against SARS-CoV-2, their corresponding roles in protection against disease and infection/transmission, and how to replicate these advantages through vaccination. |
ProtectionTo define mechanistic correlates of protection, empowering next-generation pan-coronavirus vaccine development. |
DataTo build resilient long-term capacity in pandemic preparedness via bolstering the global network of scientists; training, developing and empowering early-career researchers in vaccinology and vaccine design; and augmenting the biosciences capability for vaccine development and rapid response to emergent pathogens. |
ImpactBuild upon the strong links of the consortium with the public, extend the network of public engagement and involvement to early-career researchers, and act as a bidirectional bridge between the public and vaccine developers / policy makers to aid support and uptake of vaccination. |